Winton Autos Ltd
290 Great North Road, Winton 9720

About Winton Autos

Winton Autos has been repairing and servicing vehicles since 1995 when it was owned by Ross McDowall. His son Steven grew up helping out in the workshop and became a qualified truck mechanic in 2009. In the following year, Steven bought the business from his Dad and works on almost anything with an engine. There are three mechanics and one apprentice and between them, they have over 50 years of experience. 


Steven McDowall, Director

Steven grew up working on cars, trucks, boats, motorbikes and diesel engines with his Dad in the workshop. He bought the business in 2010 after becoming a qualified mechanic. Steven likes that everyday is different and that he works with a great team of guys in a great environment.

If he's not at the workshop, he will either be out on a call with the Winton Fire Brigade or out speedboating with his wife, Melissa, and their children.

Allan Batt, Mechanic

Allan has been a qualified mechanic since 1968 and works part-time fitting new tyres, repairing punctures and doing wheel alignments. He enjoys working at Winton Autos because they're a great group of guys. He also runs his own lawn mowing business and likes the variation between his two jobs.

Allan has been married to his wife, Daphne, since 1970 and they have two adult children and two grandchildren. He's a motorsport nut - especially rallying and is actively involved at Teretonga Park racetrack.

Troy Jukes, Mechanic

Troy as been a mechanic since 2006 and handles WOF's, engine rebuilds, tuning and rewiring at Winton Autos. He enjoys the challenging nature of his job and working with guys who are cruisy and easy to get along with. 

Troy likes to go hunting, fishing and boating when he's not fixing cars. He and his wife Karma have two children.

Mark Legat, Apprentice Mechanic

Mark has been an apprentice for two and half years and at Winton Autos for just as long. He says he enjoys his job because he's got a good boss and good people to work with. 

When he's not at work working on vehicles, he's working on vehicles at home. He also has a couple of 4WD trucks he likes to take out and does a bit of hunting, as well.


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